Real estate warehouse

Passive Real Estate Investing

If you were to do a search on the best ways to build wealth in the United States, chances are many of the lists would include owning or investing in real estate. However, most people do not have the time, experience, appetite, or desire to own, fix up, or manage investment real estate properties. That is where passive real estate investing, and Real Estate Warehouse come into play!

Real estate warehouse

Invest In Real Estate Without The Hassle

Passive real estate investing creates the ability for anyone to invest in real estate without the hassle, stress, or time constraints of owning and operating real estate properties. At Real Estate Warehouse we offer passive investment opportunities that are an alternative to investing your money in traditional savings or money market accounts, the stock market, or other traditional investments, with an opportunity for better returns.

The best part of investing passively in real estate with Real Estate Warehouse versus more traditional means:


Ways To Invest In Real Estate Without Having To Own, Manage, Or Fix Up Properties

Here are just a few of the ways you can invest with Real Estate Warehouse:

Returns will vary dependent on the investment you choose, as well as the final terms agreed to.

How To Fund Your Passive Real Estate Investments

While real estate is historically the most consistent investment investors can make, unfortunately no investment is without risk. Therefore, we recommend anyone interested in investing in any of our opportunities thoroughly research the investment type their interested in, and get all questions answered before committing funding capital. To assist in this, we will provide all our due diligence, research, and analysis for each investor for each specific investment opportunity.

Interested In Passive Real Estate Investing

Just fill out the short form below, give us a call, or email us! Let us help you find your first or next passive real estate investment! We would love to work with you!


Why Clients Love Us

Unlike many other investors, or real estate companies with multiple disciplines, Real Estate Warehouse is singularly focused on transacting off market real estate and maximizing value to our clients. As such, our clients receive property solutions that fit exactly what they’re looking for. We allocate 100% of our time and resources to mastering our craft. We invest heavily in training, data collection and intelligence, so our clients are presented with all the information necessary to make informed decision that meet their specific needs. But, don’t take our word for it, see what our clients are saying……
Real estate warehouse

Frequently Asked Questions

As with any type of investment there is risk involved when investing in real estate. However, we do our absolute best to hedge your risk. When you invest in one of our projects you will receive one or a combination of the following, a first lien position mortgage on the subject property, a formal lending note agreement, other collateral, and/or a personal guarantee. While none of these can eliminate your risk, you can feel confident knowing we have a perfect track record of delivering to our investors.
Self-directed IRA’s and Solo 401K’s are retirement accounts that have the same tax benefits as a normal IRA’s and 401K’s, however with these types of IRA’s and 401K’s you, the account owner, have the flexibility and decision-making power to dictate where you want your IRA/401K monies invested. So instead of just placing your IRA or 401K with an agent or broker, and having your investment funds picked for you, you can have full autonomy to invest your monies in whatever investments you choose.

Our investor partners make money in a variety of ways depending on the investment type they choose. Some of the ways our investors make money are via monthly interest payments over a set course of time, choosing to become an equity partner in an investment with us, and/or sharing in a percentage of the profits once with refinance or sell the property they have invested in.

For example: Investor A provides Real Estate Warehouse $100,000 to purchase a property we will fix and flip. We agree to pay Investor A 8% simple interest for 12 months, as well as 10% of the net profits when we sell the house. If it takes us 6 months to fix up a sell the house and we make a $50,000 net profit, Investor A’s total return on their $100,000 investment would be $4,000 in total interest payments and $5,000 from the sale of the property. So, in 6 months they would have made $9,000 on their $100,000 investment, which is an effect annual return of 18%. Definitely a better return than most anything else you can invest in!

We do not charge any fees for you investing with us. We consider it any honor and privilege that you invest your money with us. We take that very seriously! Our monies are made when we rent, refinance, or sell the property that your funds help us purchase.